| Jaw Bone Ultrasound
At the Integrative Centre for
Dental & Natural Health we use sophisticated Through-transmission
Alveolar Ultrasound
imaging for jaw cancellous bone density
assessment. TAU is based on the principle of
Quantitative Ultrasound ( QUS ). An ultrasound of
the jaw bone called a TAU scan or alternatively a
Cavitat scan is a safe , non-invasive procedure
and, unlike x-rays, it does not involve the use
of ionizing radiation.
diagnostics !
Assessment of oral bone density
and quality is an important diagnostic modality,
especially in cases of oral osteoporosis,
periodontitis and other maxillofacial bones
disorders. It is also very valuable in
- 1: Cranio. The Journal of
Craniomandibular Practice 2005
Introduction to
through-transmission alveolar
ultrasonography (TAU) in dental medicine.
Imbeau J.
Centre for Dental & Natural Health -
Auckland, New Zealand
alveolar ultrasonography (TAU) is a novel
imaging modality in dental medicine. A
brief introduction to
through-transmission ultrasonography
(TTU) is followed by a description of the
first commercially available TAU device,
the Cavitat CAV 4000 (Cavitat Medical
Technologies, Inc., Alba, TX). Recent
associations between systemic
osteoporosis, oral osteoporosis,
periodontal diseases, and cardiovascular
diseases underline the importance of
early detection and treatment of oral
cancellous bone pathologies associated
with low bone density (LBD), such as
regional ischemic osteoporosis, chronic
nonsuppurative osteomyelitis, bone marrow
edema, and cavitational ischemic
osteonecrosis (osteocavitation). While
the impact of osteoporosis on
maxillofacial bones is acknowledged,
there is a lack of reliable prevalence
rate, and the National Institutes of
Health (NIH) recommend that more
attention should be paid to skeletal
health, especially in persons with
conditions known to be associated with
secondary osteoporosis. TAU, a safe and
effective imaging modality, can be a
valuable tool in research as well as for
the clinical assessment of alveolar
cancellous bone pathologies associated
with LBD and ischemia.
PMID: 15898566
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] CRANIO
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