was founded in 1952 from Dr Reckeweg as an
extension of classic Homeopathy. The word
Homotoxine means 'human poison' or
'human toxic substance'- from the Latin word homo
= man and the Greek word tokson = poison.
Reckeweg started with the principles of classical
Homoeopathy as developed by Hahnemann, and
integrated them with the new discoveries in
biochemistry and embryology that had been made by
the 1940s. He defined
Homotoxins as substances that were
harmful to the human body.
Homotoxones are substances within the
body that bind with and neutralise homotoxins,
preparing them for elimination from the body.
Homotoxicology is seen as a bridge between
Homeopathy and conventional Medicine. In
Homotoxicology, it is understood that diseases
are caused by toxins. These toxins are seen to
originate either outside the body (exotoxins) or
within the body (endotoxins). Examples of
exotoxins are bacteria, metals, such as
mercury, micro-organisms in the gut causing
dysbiosis (often due to an unhealthy diet,
hormone replacement therapy, antibiotics and
heavy metals ), chronic yeast infections
(Candida), chemical pollutants such as gas,
diesel and petrol fumes , exposure to unhealthy
electro-magnetic fields, pesticides, and
undiagnosed bacterial (salmonella paratyphi), or
protozoon (Giardia and amoeba) infections in the
gut. Endotoxins are biologically derived, or
result from post-traumatic cellular debris. They
are generated by the body. Homotoxicology sees
disease as the result of the body's attempt to
heal itself. Toxins are either created in the
human organism ( endogenous ) or are from
external exposure ( exogenous ), and all the
symptoms of illness are the result of defensive
effort of the organism in order to eliminate the
toxins. In other words, in Homotoxicology,
virtually all symptoms of illness are regarded as
a manifestation of the bodys attempts to
rid itself of Homotoxins. In minor, self-limiting
disorders, the body does this unaided. In
more serious situations, treatment is
needed. If the treatment used eliminates
the Homotoxins, then real healing results and Dr.
Reckeweg called this phenomenon regressive
vicariation. If the treatment suppresses
the Homotoxins, however, (antibiotics, steroids;
most drugs) then they go deeper into the tissues
and manifest after a latent period as a more
destructive disease. This is called
progressive vicariation, and may lead
to chronic degenerative disease and, ultimately,
to cancer. See the Disease Evolution Table| PDF File ( Adobe Acrobat Reader required ) for more
information about the progression of disease over
time when the causal factors are not addressed
and only the symptoms are treated.
general, Homotoxicological products are designed
to facilitate the body's elimination of toxins.
They do not suppress symptoms. Homotoxicology is
a system of medicine that aims to induce
regulation. It is known as regulation