Canal Filling Materials Can Be Toxic
Root canal procedures present
numerous challenges due to the porous nature of
the root structure and ease of penetration of
microbes inside that porous structure once the
tooth is dead and deprived of blood supply.
Currently it is impossible to completely clean
the entire canal system of a tooth. If a dead
tooth is infected, it can only be attempted to
reduce infection as much as possible within the
limitations of present treatment modalities.
(Ref: Riskwise # 7 - NZDA
Newsletter vol. 127, Nov. 2005. ) This is further
confirmed by a 2006 study published in the International Endodontic
the canal or canals in a root have been cleaned
as best as possible, the canals have to be
filled. Usually the canals are filled with a
combination of gutta percha, a rubbery material,
and a sealer designed to insure a seal between
the internal walls of the canal and the gutta
percha. Many commonly used root canal sealers
have been proven to be toxic as can be seen by
reading the results of the studies on sealer